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 In the summer of 2013, we were having lunch at one of our favorite restaurants in New York. We LOVE dessert but we normally order it at dinner; however, for some reason we decided to order a chocolate lava cake on that afternoon, and thank goodness we did. After photographing the melting chocolate, of course, we realized how photogenic the dessert was. We looked through our phones and were amazed by how many photos of food we both had, and thus East Coast Foodies was created. We had no set goal in mind, but thought that sharing a food Instagram would be fun. After almost three years of co-owning East Coast Foodies, we can hardly believe that our once small Instgram now has over 300,000 followers. We are so thankful to all those who have helped us accomplish this goal, and we hope you enjoy our website!




Sabrina & Bevan 

East Coast Foodies® is a registered trademark and LLC

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